Tuesday, June 27

White People Are Stupid And Ignorant (sic)

The Outrageous

So Australian media mogul Rupert Murdoch has asserted that Muslims identify themselves by
religion before nationality.

What's the beef here?

At least the Muslims know who they are.

Most white people i know - all of European origin - describe themselves as 'white' when asked about their ethnicity.

Or their nationality.

Or worst, 'aryan'. 60 years after his death, Adolf Hitler's legacy of lies and bullshit lives on.

So where do you stand if you're completely oblivious to your cultural background and use a neutral colour to describe your ethnicity?

It sickens me when White Australians tell me that they hate ethnicity - in reference to all the wogs and Asians here.

What they don't know - which makes Asians and most wogs better people in this aspect - is that everyone has an ethnicity. Whether we come from a Venezuelan background, a Icelandic background or any combination of the two, these ethnic cultures play a very important role in shaping how we view, interpret, and interact with the world.

Hey look at what Rupert Murdoch is - he's a white.

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