Saturday, April 29

Media Assault

The Misfit

I've won the role of one of three hosts in Channel 31's brand new tv program, T3h W00t.

As the name of the show suggests, it's a program that covers video games and console/PC games-related news.

It was almost 9 years ago when i discovered my passion for media. I've always believed, deep down within me, that i have a face and voice for television and radio. Throw in a fondness for writing and you've the complete Asian media man. Haha.

I had few chances to perform and write in Singapore. With it's meritocracy society, you had to be either a) really rich, b) a degree holder, c) son of a minister or d) all of the above to succeed in life. I knew i had to leave.

Arriving in Melbourne last year, i resolved to attack Melbourne's media with a three-prong assault.

Firstly, a radio stint was essential. It gave me an avenue for South East Melbourne listeners a chance to get accustomed to my brand of humour and accent. Let's face it, Melburnians drive a hard bargain and know a good personality when they hear one. Thank my lucky stars that i'm still on air now. I really am blessed.

Secondly, a platform for writing was necessary. Something to fall back on perhaps. I still can't quite decide what i want to do. I'm quite adeptable. My current position in the Melbourne Town Council has given me a dramatic headstart. More than what i've asked for. If someone had told me i'll be on radio and meeting important dignitaries in Melbourne 18 months ago, i'd have thought they're batty.

My final assault - on television - also proved to be a masterstroke. I think i'm really lucky and blessed. An International Student doing so well after 16 months in a foreign country. What more can i ask for?

My plan is coming to fruition. All three media disciplines are covered. I'm touching base and within ear shot of a potential golden harvest. I've no idea where my life is taking me, but make no mistake about it, i'm absolutely enjoying every minute of it.

Details for the T3h W00t show are still hazy. I'll be talking to the producer this week. 2005 was a slow ferry ride. 2006 looks to be a Formula One race. Let's see where 2006 takes me. You, my readers, will be hitching my ride no?


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