Saturday, May 7

Born Ugly = Doomed For Life?
adrock2xander is 3 months 8 days without a cigarette.

A girlfriend of mine used to tell me...she can never find a regular guy to date...she's one of those women who knew some people who knew some people who knew some people...simply put...she's the coolest woman around...she got me into clubs with ease without battin her eyelid...she knew when double breasted is in and when frills are out...she's bombarded by phonecalls from mates she's not seen for days...everybody wants to hang out with wana date her coz she gets them into beautiful clubs...women wana hang with her coz she knows the cute male models...but that's where the line was drawn...

Why? She's not particularly fact...i reckon she's kinda fugly...yeah...

We've seen those studies showin that aesthetics is hard-wired in one's brain...we watch on Discovery Channel with amazement at babies who use their innate sense of beauty to choose and gaze at more beautiful faces...they instinctively respond to the attractive faces with a smile...while an ugly face registers a cold stare...such is life...

So if the babies' have got not surprised that adults have the same bias...

In a Canadian study...researchers at the University of Alberta made a startlin discovery - that parents take better care of pretty children than they do ugly a supermarket...the fugly kids were more often allowed to engage in potentially dangerous activities such as standin up in the shoppin cart or wanderin off...the attractive ones got more attention from their parents and were kept closer at hand...

Im amused at the findin..a beauty bias against children?'s startlin coz ive grown up thinkin parents are the only ones who gave us kids unconditional love...regardless of ya gene pool...

Coz if what's said is true...i feel deep remorse for heaps of Asians...coz so many Asian are fuck ugly...slant-eyed...broad faces...flat nose with nostrils flarin...thick lips...lookin like a cross between a pug and a pig...what does it say for their parents then? One thing for sure...they arent singin McDonald's jingle "I'm Loving It!"

And Caucasians and their lesser cousins must have their long end of the stick then...beautiful eyes and sharp ive not seen one Caucasian with single eyelids! Such discoveries would mean a boom in double eyelids surgeries for Asians...hey wadya's a boomin multi-million dollar business
that's growin as i speak!

But enough of Asian's funny enough to just think of it...i dont even need to spell it out for ya...

I reckon the world is a harsh place to live in...some people may disagree...but i say the good-lookin people get more money and promotions than ya average-lookin Regular Joe...

In my perfect world...the succesful men are 1.8 meters tall and women at least 1.65 meters...once the height threshold is dont matter if ya skilled...coz at the end of the day ya still gona get paid more than John Smith in the cubical 10 feet from ya coz he's 1.5 meters tall and is baldin...

The same thing goes for weight issues...fat people are OUT! Ask any employer why they would hire a fat person when a slim person exudes more physical beauty and takes up less space...the fat person takes a gestation period to get from Point A to B and almost always smells bad...i mean...have you took a whiff of a fat person's body odor? OMFG...

Whether or not less attractive people are less succesful in life due to their low self-esteem or the attractive ones have a higher level of social finesse is still open to discussion...but one thing's for sure...if you've never scored a date in ya constantly overlooked in job interviews and find yaself masturbatin to sleep every's not the dandruff in ya hair...

P.S: adrock2xander would like to extend his lovin arms to all his fat friends out there...he doesnt love them one less bit...he's just being rude!

I like Asians and the way they look. I'm caucasian and think my fellow men boring to look at. So there you go... fuck face.
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