Wednesday, December 8

I like Subway sandwiches...

Those who hang out with me heaps would know that when the Hunger Bug attacks me...and im in the vicinity of Subway...i turn into this blood-thirsty Steak-&-Cheese-with-Xtra-olives monstrosity...

Walkin to the bus-stop with the bus that'll take me home earlier this evenin...i sung a silly 'lil poem with a foot-long Steak-&-Cheese sandwich in my hands...

"I carry my Subway like a gun
It makes the walk home much more fun"

Not only is it's not really true...the real reasons i tend to carry a Subway sandwich in the manner of a rifle - one hand on top at one end... the other supportin beneath it at the other end - stem from the followin observations:

1. It's a Subway sandwich. 'Nuff said...

2. The sandwich basically needs to retain its horizontal orientation for the duration of the journey to keep the sauce from runnin out of any particular openings...

3. I could carry it with two hands under the sandwich...but this looks unnecessarily like a gesture of supplication to some higher power..."Oh Lord! Take the Subway sandiwch from me! Oh Great One! I dont need it! Subjugate me and the sandwich!"

4. I could carry it with two hands graspin the top of the sandwich, but this potentially looks even stupider...what with gravity tuggin the sandwich the other it requires extra physical effort AND would probably result in me just squishing the bread a whole bunch before I reach my destination...squishy Subway sandwich...a big No-No...

5. Ive a Country Road shoulder bag that doesnt quite have 'sandwich carrier' in its sure the designers of a bag should think that up in the future...any shoulder bags that can accomodate a Subway sandwich...mmm...*dreams and smiles*

So...the only practical carryin option open to me that doesnt cause any of the above problems is the one hand on top and one beneath 'rifle grip'... if the 6-inch pistol in my pants aint enough...


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