Sunday, September 19


Somewhere in the beginnin of April i'd stumbled upon the hugely addictive Blogshares does is sell the phenomenom that is a blog...a fantasy stock market where weblogs are the companies...'Players' (in this case...people with a blog) invest fictional dollars on shares in blogs...the blogs are valued by their incomin links and add value to other blogs by linkin to them...prices can go up or down based on trading and the underlyin value of the blog.

I'd spent a week or two playin around with it...tryin to understand how to add more 'value' to my blog...but somehow life's ills can distract you...and soon enough i found myself forgettin bout it...until an hour ago...i noticed a link on my 'Referrin Web Pages'...someone had visited my site through wondered if my site had faded into obscurity...or had it been the little hamster it has been...tryin to keep up in this monstrous Bloggin community...

Turns out...the value of my blog has gone up by over $1000 since i signed it cant understand how my angry blog that's strewn with pop culture lingo...profanities...lewd pictures...people and organization bashin could possibly go up in glad people enjoy readin it...

Whoever that person was...he's piqued my interest on the valuation of a blog again...i thank you...

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