Tuesday, July 27


"Their opponents will tell you we should be afraid of John Kerry and John Edwards because they won't stand up to terrorists. Don't you believe it. Strength and wisdom are not opposing values."

Bill Clinton rocked the Democratic National Convention last night...that strength and wisdom line was straight out of Pat Morita's (of The Karate Kid fame) Big Book of Wise Phrases...I know people love to hate Clinton because he's a slutty southern genius and that's intimidating...if none of you have read his amazin interview in the June 28 issue of Time then ya a bloody redneck...Clinton probably isnt able to guzzle down a pint of beer in 5 minutes...he's never ever able to smoke another cigar without think Lewinsky...he's never ever gona win a game of chess with you coz he's already thinkin how he can get you on your knees...but you sure as hell know that he'll give you the feeling that he just might be able to charm his way into your daughters' and/wifes' pants.

Im no American...and i daresay im not bout to pick a camp when it comes to American politics...fuck Democrats and Republicans...seriously...both of em factions should just STFU and take a look at the more important issues that both administrations can rectify easily...yet...just watchin Clinton harkin back to his old days...and speakin like the good President he used to be...i realised being a Democrat and being liberal (and southern...coz ive always had a thing for Southern Belles lol) doesnt mean ya a fuckin pussy...

Just like how i live my life...being a liberal just means that ya optimistic and careful...not blind or weak (read: some anachronistic faction here in Singapore *ahem*)...more than that...it means ya never gona take shit from noone...let noone take shit for you...and always stand up to what you believe in...being liberal is so much more than a belief...fuck...for me...it's a fuckin lifestyle...

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