Tuesday, May 11

Thoughts and feelings just wont go away...

You can tell its lunchtime...the banging from the construction site opposite has abated....this silly sprucin up of Clarke Quay is pissin me off...before...i would knock off from work to the cheerful vibes of some Top 40 hits from the Voodoo Shack...these days i leave to the incessant clangin and knockin of construction equipments....

The sun is scorching today... which leaves one stuck indoors and sulking...after a month of dippin your ankles into puddles of rain...the infamous 'wet and sticky' weather one has always associated Singapore with is now back with a vengeance...now it gets so warm that a cold shower doesnt even suffice...trickles of perspiration appear at my beck and call a minute after i towel dry...a trip to the food stall next door is just askin for another sweatbath...and is it me or is my bloody a/c takin a 'lil longer to cool my sauna of a room?

Im slightly perturbed...i have a couple of self-imposed deadline that has unfortunately expired...work durin work hours...work after work hours...it's all bout deadlines isnt it...it's almost never bout fulfillin what you really want...just when the peach is within grasp...a silly furry monkey comes along to take it all away...

It pretty much sums up my life for the last 6 months doesnt it? It's like a fuckin epiphany...Down to my last hundred...i get a job offer from an MNC...i look set to snag that girl that ive long fancied...and she comes along breakin my fragile heart...i sign up for a full time contract...only for that funky magazine coming an hour late with a new job...

Why cant life just set you on a good and orderly life? Do these pitfalls and occasional hazards make you stronger or more cautious? In spite of the myriad of junctions i have stood...i do believe i have yet to make the biggest decision of my life...

Let's hope i dont have to make it anytime soon...as it is...my life is complicated enough...

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