Saturday, May 8

Of Iraqis, Whites and Singaporeans...

The horrific pictures of the brutal treatment of Iraqi prisoners have been circulatin the rounds of internet pages and various international magazines. Unfortunately our Communist 'Pro-America' government has taken the bait...and has subjected mostly politically apathetic and ignorant Singaporeans to these visuals in our fiasco of a national newspaper The Straits Times...which for the 'legislated, knick-picked and twisted to their whim and fancy' by a particular dominant party that uses money and dangling of carrots to sway the swing votes...

Before i get carried away...this isnt a post bout Singapore...oh wait...i'll probably talk bout it anway...but my thoughts on this whole fracas that has escalated into a potentially dangerous affair...but that's for the Government to investigate...while they're at it...i just wana laugh at the Americans...

The pictures that're givin a nude Britney Spears a run for its money are all ovet the papers the Americans are humiliatin and torturin the Iraqis. Big fuckin deal.

Fuck the Geneva Convention. As long as there has been war...pillagin...death...sufferin and ill-treatment will follow. The silly paper with the fancy Swiss name's just another attempt by the peace-lovin surfer dudes who sit their fat fuckin asses on the chairs while deliberatin whether obesity is a problem in their country while decked out in their prim suits. Fuckin red-necks dont realise the Gun Control Bill or wachamacallit is somethin that needs to be looked into...children are fuckin dyin in their backyards...and here is CNN/BBC/some major foreign network focusin their attention on some doomed Muslims half way around the world....

Heck...if Singapore was invaded...and i had to fuckin fight...i would subject myself to the same activites those Americans are doin...yes we had experienced no 9/11...but who needs WTC when our Government is givin us small doses of Ground Zero every fuckin day? I tell ya...we Singaporeans are alot toughter than those red necks...if 1 billion ppl in America and Europe can live, grow old and die a fuckin place where violence is an invisible friend...yet cry foul when a Texan declares war on oil rich Iraq...i dont know what the world will come to...

Let's see how these fags survive over here...Singaporeans are like onions...the master-Chef tortures us slowly...peelin away our layers...all this time pushin our boundaries...and limitations...and privacy...forcin us to leave this God-forsaken place...only to have the master-Chef callin us 'Quitters' XXX....what would you have us do then? How convenient for you to call us it occured...that we men have to sacrifice 3 years of our lives coz we were FORCED at 'gun point' to carry out those duties? Quitters apt...

Now...i wonder how Singaporeans will fare on the other side of the fence...

I dare not think...nor start...but i cannot resist a very temptin contributin factor...

Cheap cars and gas!

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