Thursday, March 4

One day...

One day i shall stop sharin my room with a man (Ken) and find a woman to serenade me to sleep...

One day i shall stop sharin my bed with a woman (a she-teddy bear from an ex-gf) and find a man to...ehm...bring out the masculinity in me...

One day i shall stop being so full of myself and start considerin how my words and actions hurt the people around me...

One day i shall stop being so considerate and ask myself how many people have hurt my feelings...

One day i shall stop being such an unfillial son and being the good and proper child my parents had hoped i would be...

One day i shall stop being such a well-mannered son with relatives around when they clearly never liked my disposition...

So many thoughts and life to lead...
24 hours a day can be too short...yet it's how you live it...not why u live it...

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