Friday, January 16

While stocks last...each sold seperately...

I just did the craziest thing...well as far as i can think back this is indeed one of the craziest things...for those privy to my humbling financial status you would be castigating me upon readin what ive to i suggest those who loathe chiding evergreen me to stop readin this immediately...go learn cross stich or something...

I just spent $150 on a set of Angel action figurines.

Holy smokes!! *dodges a shoe from the left camp*...what did i tell u...yikes! *jumps away from a life-threatening stone*...and ewwwwww....*wipes away a glob of spit from his face*...leme explain..

Ive spent the last 2 years of my life searchin for Angel action figures...for those not in the know Angel is the spin-off to the smartest, wittiest and engagin TV serial Buffy the Vampire one of the BIGGEST fan on this side of the world...but im not here to wax lyrical over BtVS and sole purpose is to tell everyone out there how excited and happy i am to have finally laden my hands on 6 of Angel Series 1 collection...3 of them being for only $150...the moron who was sellin it in Far East Plaza told me it was a consignment batch...."Yeahhhhhh right"....he probably thought noone would EVER buy these toys...there was somethin in that shop that i wanted was an exclusive 3-in-1 Buffy set...ive been eyein that set for the longest of time since a buddy-and-Buffy-fan of mine Jarrod managed to buy a set for himself...but holy smokes that set would cost me another $100...and i really couldnt part with another large sum of money...

Ive ran out of space to showcase my toys now...hell 3 of the Angel toys just have to be contented with the floor space i currently assign them to...

Im the proud owner of the Angel Series 1 set...well almost *winks*

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